Dry magnetic separation of nepheli-nesyenite ores
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Publication date: 2002-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2002;36(1):173-183
Different types of dry high intensity magnetic separators are applied to remove the iron bearing contaminants from two nepheline syenite samples. Ding’s cross belt separator was applied in this study as a “pick up” separator, while “Carpco” induced roll was employed as a free fall kind of separator, that is widely used with dry sand size materials. Magnaroll magnetic separator, the latest design by Boxmag Rapid that uses rare earth permanent magnets for high intensity magnetic separation, was also applied. The main parameters affecting the separation efficiency of these machines were studied. It was found that Magnaroll separator was of high performance, as compared with the other separators. It was possible to produce clean concentrates containing 0.24% and 0.28% iron oxide from original samples containing 6.0% and 5.3% Fe2O3, respectively. These products are acceptable as glass grade materials in amber glass and fiberglass industries, as well as for ceramic purposes.