Compositional and technological characteristics of selected gluacony deposits of North Africa
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Alexandria University, Environmental Science Department
Alexandria University, Geology Department
Publication date: 2003-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2003;37(1):159-168
The studied gluacony deposits were collected from the Egyptian and Libyan outcrops. The Egyptian gluacony deposits are widely recorded in the Upper Cretaceous, while Libyan gluacony lies within the Oligocene succession. The collected gluacony rocks were subjected to petrographic and infrastructure investigation. Also chemical investigations using microprobe analysis were carried out on some pellet-like gluacony grains. The results of chemical analysis showed that the studied gluacony grains in both areas did not have identical K2O content. Egyptian gluacony had from 5.30 to 10.07% K2O while the Libyan type had relatively higher content of K2O, which vary from 8.9 to 12.67%. The studied gluacony samples had similar contents of Fe, Al, Cu, and Zn with different contents of Ca, Mg and V oxides. Direct acid leaching laboratory studies were conducted as an alternative route of the roast-leach treatment for the extraction of potassium from studied gluacony. The effects of leaching temperature, acid concentration, leaching time, and particle size were investigated.
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