Atlas of upgrading curves used in separation and mineral science and technology
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Wrocław University of Technology
Publication date: 2006-01-01
Corresponding author
Jan Drzymała
Wrocław University of Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2006;40(1):19-29
The atlas presents the existing in scientific and technical literature upgrading curves relating quality and quantity of products of separation for a given feed quality. The upgrading curves were classified into groups including A/ (α-insensitive curves, triangle area accessible for plotting), Ao (α- insensitive curves, square area available for plotting), B/ (α-sensitive curves with triangle plotting area, Bo (α-sensitive curves, having square plotting area), C/ (α-insensitive curves, for β > α or β < α triangle area), and Co (α-insensitive curves, for β > α or β < α, square area). Other classifications are also possible. It was presented in the atlas that the shape of the upgrading curve depends on the upgrading parameters used for plotting but they contain and reflect the same information given in a specific, for each curve, way. The applicability of each upgrading curve depends on the needs of the user and personal preferences. An appropriate matching an upgrading curve with a set of separation results allows to approximate the curve with a simple mathematical formula which can be used in other applications. Since the possible number of separation curves is infinite, there is a need for collecting known upgrading curves and creating new ones. The readers are kindly asked to report, not mentioned in this atlas, upgrading curves to jan.drzymala