Application of modified calcium sorbents in carbonate looping
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Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal
Publication date: 2014-01-01
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2014;50(1):217-224
Reduction of CO2 emission is essential. In this paper, a study of the behaviour of modified Polish CaO-based sorbents during calcium looping cycles has been discussed. All the related tests were conducted using the Netzsch STA 409PG Luxx thermogravimetric analyser. Samples with a weight of ms = 10.0±0.1 mg were placed in an Al2O3 crucible. The calcium looping processes were performed at the carbonation temperature of 650°C and the calcination temperature of 900°C. Additionally, calcination-carbonation cycles with different gas flows were examined. The authors investigated the influence of CO2 concentration and total gas flow on the carbonation conversion. Sorbents were studied by TG and porosimetry analysis.