Reactivity of marble wastes for potential utilization in wet flue gas desulphurization
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Middle East Technical University, Mining Engineering Department, 06800, Ankara, Turkey
Publication date: 2016-01-01
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Naci Emre Altun
Middle East Technical University, Mining Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Mining Engineering Department, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2016;52(1):497-509
Wastes of most marble types are distinguished with their superior CaCO3 content and potential to utilize them as an alternative to limestone. Control of SO2 using marble wastes in wet flue gas desulphurization (WFGD) units of coal fired thermal power plants is an important opportunity. In this study, nine types of marble wastes were evaluated in terms of their ability to dissolution (reactivity) in an acidic environment. The reactivity was expressed as fractional conversion with time with respect to the chemical composition and particle distribution of wastes as well as temperature and pH of solution. Dissolution reaction rate constants were also computed. Reactivity of the wastes varied significantly with chemical compositions of the marble types. The same marble type displayed different dissolution profiles as a function of test conditions (fineness, temperature, pH). Higher contents of CaCO3 and Fe2O3 positively influenced dissolution ability and rates, whereas increased MgCO3 content had adverse effects. The changes in particle size, temperature and pH influenced the reactivity. The reactivity increased with decreasing particle size. Also, higher temperature and increased acidity favored dissolution ability of the marble wastes. Our results showed that under optimized conditions marble wastes, having a higher content of CaCO3 and low content of MgCO3, are potential SO2 sorbent alternative.